Tuples Function in Python


Python has many data structure libraries to give like lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries. But these tuples are relatively corresponding to ‘lists’. Lists existing a generally employed data structure by the developers, they generally puzzle how tuples are different to lists.

Let’s understand tuples in python deeply and see its operation, use cases, and how they’re different from the generally used data structure collection, Lists.

Well, Python tuples are a collection of fundamentals of any data type just like lists, but tuples are fixed i.e. we can not change the essentials of the tuple or the tuple itself, once it's charged whereas we can change the essentials of the list as they're variable.

How are Tuples used in python?

As discussed before in python, tuples and lists are alike to two fundamental differences. The first one is tuples are inflexible, i.e., formerly created, we can not make any changes. You can say this is the essential property, which is the cause of the reality of tuples in python; other, all the other functionality is equal for both tuples and lists.

Tuples Functions

The tuples Function in python is below.

1. len () method


len ()

2 . max ()

This method returns the largest member of a tuple. This approach works only if the tuple contains all valuations of equal type. However, it'll give error phrasing that mixed-type comparison isn't feasible, If tuple contains values of different data types then. 



3 . min ()

This system returns minimal components of a tuple. This method works just if the tuple contains all valuations of the same type. However, it'll give an error stating that mixed-type comparison isn't viable, If a tuple contains values of different data types then.


min ()

4. index ()

This method is used to find the initial index position of value in a tuple. It returns an error if the value isn't established in the tuple.



 5. count()

This function is utilized to count and return several occasions a value exists in a tuple. However, it returns zero, If the given valuation isn't in the tuple.


Tuple.count ()

6. tuple ()

This method is applied to bring about a tuple from different types of values.


Tuple ()

We hope to get an idea about the Tuples to function in python from above.


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